though i seldom visit my hometown chicago (the place i immigrated to, like many mexicanos), i still subscribe to the e-newsletter that the national museum of mexican art puts out. call it nostalgia. call it (academic) curiosity. the NMMA was--when it was called something else--the place where i first began to build my interest for mexican and chicana/o performance art, this was through the 'del corazón' and 'sor juana' festivals. that's where i first saw luis alfaro, jesusa rodríguez and liliana felipe, maris bustamante, ofelia medina (and others) perform and got into this mess that will result in a book (unsettling comforts)...that's another story though.
the museum has gone through some changes, for better or for worse. but in its mainstreaming, it's maintained a certain level of edginess. i got the e-newsletter a few days ago announcing that today (btw happy fourth) opens an exhibit that is part of a three-year commitment to immigrant centered programs.

the museum and the city of chicago are not the only ones paying attention to the presence of mexicanos in chicago, so is the new york times. from their travel section.

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